The field of intellectual property rights is one of the fastest growing legal fields, especially after the launch of e-commerce. Agratass Legal deals in all kinds of intellectual property matters, which include trademark, copyright, and patent attorney. We tend to highly esteem serving extreme data handling needs of the companies of different sizes and structure with exactness and quick work time in giving creative answers for most developed legitimate and techno-lawful issues of intellectual property right related issue. This firm offers a full spectrum of intellectual property right services to Indian and global clients. Our experts rely legal advice on diverse nature of agreement dealing with use, supply, license, maintenance, software license, technology transfer, franchise agreements, technical services, and other related services. Our global network team of IP legal professionals has the assets and skills that help in your business. We have the ability to advise our clients regarding intellectual property rights throughout the world. With years of experience in resolving legal issues, our team of professionals has the resources and techniques to resolve further intellectual property matters in no less time.

Our Intellectual Property rights services included:

  • Assignment, Licensing, Use, Supply of Computer Services Agreements
  • Confidential information protection.
  • Consumer protection.
  • Registrations, objections & Opposition Proceedings.
  • Franchise and media law.
  • Litigation support in trademarks, copyright, patent, geographical indication disputes.
  • Licensing of intellectual property.
  • Unfair competition.
  • Dispute Resolution.

Let us help you!

If you need any help, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1 business day. Or if in hurry, just call us now.

Call : +91-9643640714 Mon – Sat 10:00-21:00

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